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Triatholon Swimmers


The triathlon was started at the suggestion of a triathlete from Magician Lake. He believed that the area of Sister Lakes with our beautiful lakes, bountiful orchards and rolling terrain would make an ideal venue for a triathlon. Members of the newly formed Corridor Improvement Authority began researching the idea and after several meetings with Keeler Township officials’ approval was granted. The necessary sponsorships and professional management team was put into place and the first event began in 2012. Round Lake became the site for the swimming event and through generous donation of a local resident we were granted the use of the property east of Round Lake for our transition area from swim to bike. The events also include a second transition area located at Lions Park where the participants change from the bike portion to the final run event. This allows the athletes to finish the run, at Lions Park, where the awards ceremonies are held. The Sister Lakes Triathlon consisted of four challenging events:


1.  Olympic Triathlon: 1000 Meter Swim, 25 Mile Bike, 6.35 Mile Run

2. Print Triathlon: 500 Meter Swim, 13 Mile Bike, 5K Run

3. Olympic Aquabike: 1000 Meter Swim, 25 Mile Bike

4. Sprint Aquabike: 500 Meter Swim, 13 Mile Bike


In addition to these options groups could form a relay team with each member participating in their selected event. Lions Club members provide a delicious meal after the triathlon, with several choices of grilled protein, generous side dishes, iced beverages, and fresh produce with fruits. Vegetarian options were available. We invited anyone interested in watching these events to join us! The swim event can be viewed from the area around Driftwood Ice Cream Shop. The bike transition area can be watched from the berm just behind Driftwood. The run is around Big Crooked Lake and ends at the Lions Club Park. Guests were welcome at Lions Park to watch the finish of the race and to attend the awards ceremonies. For non-participants, lunch could be purchased at the park. Also, there were generous amounts  of free parking at the Lions Club Park. Participants park at the Lions Club Park, you can join them on their walk from the park to the start of the race on Round Lake. So, bring the kids and meet some new friends at this healthy, happy event! Volunteers are always needed! Our volunteers help with: road directions for the bikers, body number markers, safety monitors, water bottle volunteers, kitchen workers, setup help, parking attendants, and more! We love our volunteers! Thank you for your support and help! More information about when and if the event will resume after the challenges presented by COVID pass, please check back here and on our Facebook page often.  

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